Recycle at home = No
Plastic film and wrapping cannot currently be recycled using your council’s recycling collection service. Do not use plastic bags to line your food waste caddy – only compostable (biodegradable) bags should be used for this (or old newspaper). Do not use plastic bags to keep items (plastics, glass, cans and cartons) separate in your recycling box or bin.
Recycle out of home = Yes
Many convenience stores and supermarkets now have recycling collection points for plastic film and wrapping. This includes:
- Film lids from ready meal packs, meat & fish trays and fresh fruit punnets
- Plastic wrappers and ring joiners from multipacks of cans and plastic bottles
- Plastic wrappers from toilet roll and kitchen towel packs
- Plastic freezer bags
- Snacks packaging – e.g. crips, nuts, popcorn and pretzels
- Plastic magazine and newspaper wrap (used for home delivery)
- Thin bags used for fruit and vegetables at supermarkets
- Bubble wrap
Use the postcode search tool on the Recycle Now website to find your nearest collection point.
Be a great recycler…
- All items should be clean and free of food
- Tear off sticky labels where possible